About SARI

SARI provides adaptive equine experiences for disabled individuals. Our goal is to be a caring community where everyone is supported and included.

Our History

SARI Therapeutic Riding was founded in 1978 by Syd and Jeanne Greenberg in memory of their daughter Sarah (Sari), who was born with Down Syndrome. Through Sari, her family discovered the therapeutic benefits of her connection to animals. After her passing, they began sharing the power of therapeutic riding with others, creating a lasting legacy of support and inclusion.
Jeanne and Syd Greenberg, two older adults with white hair, sit on a bench outside of SARI
Jeanne and Syd Greenberg
A pencil illustration of Sarah greenberg, a young girl with down syndrome, petting a horse
Sari Greenberg

Where We Are Today

We’ve grown from a small backyard project with 2 horses and a few participants to a 13.2-acre facility with over 20 horses, 250 weekly volunteers, and 350 annual participants. SARI is one of Southwestern Ontario’s most well respected therapeutic riding organizations.


annual participants


weekly volunteers


acres of land

An aerial view of the path between two horse pastures behind the SARI barn. There is a horse walking along the fence of one of the pastures
A large and brightly lit horseback riding arena. The walls are white, and there is a SARI sign and Canadian flag hung up. The arena's floor is filled with sand that has been freshly groomed.
An aerial photo of the SARI campus. It includes a large barn and several green pastures lined with white fences and large coniferous trees

Our Team

SARI is made up of staff, volunteers, donors, board members, parents, and horses working together to support our community of people with disabilities and others. We provide a supportive atmosphere for growing, sharing and learning. 

A group of three adults all wearing "I Love SARI" tshirts standing with a white horse.
Lisa Citton-Battel
Executive Director
Breanna Tordoff
Program Manager (on Maternity Leave)
Jason London
Volunteer Coordinator
Alyssa Hunter
Equine Manager
Ally Galbraith
Head Instructor
Sarah Allan
Program Instructor
A woman with mid-length orange hair and glasses is wearing a black SARI vest. She stands in a snowy field holding a red lead attached to a dark brown horse
Kathryn Mathysson
Program Manager
Kayley Denison
Program Instructor
Caitlyn Royal
Program Instructor
Joanna Jackson
Program Instructor
Jill Baptiste
Barn Staff
Brady Galbraith
Barn Staff
Kirsten Smith
Program Therapist
Kit MacLean
Fund Development Coordinator
Jeff Mathyssen
Facility Maintenance Coordinator
A woman with black hair wearing a black SARI vest. She is holding a teal lead that is attached to a palomino horse
Jolynn Koe
Office and Event Coordinator

Board of Directors

  • Laurie Gould, President
    • Retired Executive, LHSC
  • Steve Rowland, Vice President
    • Retired, TD Bank
  • Emily Pellarin, Treasurer
    • Audit Manager, KPMG
  • Cindy Rau, Secretary
      • Project Manager, Syneos Health
  • Stephanie Haskell, Retired
  • Kristen Wise, SARI Parent Representative
  • Katie Brown, Director & Human Resources Business Partner, Canada Life
  • Susan Smedley, Program and Project Leader, Versa Bank
  • Laura Pavilonis, CEO, Reach Beyond Limits
  • David Greenberg, Retired
  • Peter McIntosh, Wealth Advisor, CIBC
  • Tahwila Husaini, Lawyer, Shillington McCall
  • Sarah Sim, Senior Event Manager, London Convention Centre

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